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Explainer: What Is a Functional Movement Analysis?

CSL Behring employees in Marburg, Germany, recently took advantage of a voluntary functional movement analysis, which assesses strength, mobility and coordination.

A therapist checks an employee's functional strength and flexibility while the employee is on one knee with one arm raised behind her head.

Some of us are troubled by knee problems, shoulder pain or simply general mobility gradually deteriorating over the years. Playing a sport or climbing the stairs can reveal we are not as fit as we used to be.

How can a functional movement analysis help? In a functional movement analysis, a trained professional tests a person’s strength, mobility and coordination in order to identify areas that need attention. They take stock of these components together, acknowledging that functional, healthy movement relies on the balance and interaction of these attributes. The analyses are tailored to a person’s age and take into account any physical conditions or limitations. 

The German medical insurance company BARMER recently provided functional movement analyses at CSL Behring’s location in Marburg, where it has both manufacturing and R&D facilities. Functional movement analyses can detect imbalances, asymmetries and mobility restrictions. The analysis also provides specific exercise recommendations tailored to individual needs with the goal of teaching movement skills, preventing injuries and helping people reach their full potential.