Sam's Story

As a 15-year old, I was constantly exhausted, even if I slept for 12 hours. I couldn’t concentrate at school and fell asleep all the time. Then, when I was 16, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and iron deficiency. Over the years, my Crohn’s was largely controlled but I constantly fought through the tiredness and fatigue of iron deficiency because I thought this was normal.
As a mother, wife and business owner iron deficiency affects not just me, but my family and my work.
I worry that I’m too tired and confused to drive my daughters to school or do a good job for my clients. Iron deficiency stops me from being the person I want to be. To be able to get up in the morning with enough energy to make it through the day and then spend an evening with my husband. I want to feel useful and fulfilled!
Today, I’m more aware of the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency so, I work more closely with my doctor to proactively monitor my iron levels; I ask for help when my loved ones notice I’m more tired and, I bring balance into my life by attending yoga classes.