CSL Behring’s Gettin' In the Game Junior National Championship (JNC) will welcome participants to Henderson, Nevada, on October 6-8. Each bleeding disorders chapter has the opportunity to nominate two children to attend the 2023 JNC. See a list of chapter organizations on the National Hemophilia Foundation website.
The JNC was the first and is currently the only national sports competition designed for the bleeding disorders community. During a fun and educational weekend, kids and teens choose one of four sports – golf, swimming, baseball and – new this year by popular demand – basketball. On day one, they’ll learn the fundamentals from accomplished Gettin’ in the Game athletes, who themselves have been diagnosed with a bleeding disorder.
On day two, participants will enjoy a day of friendly competition cheered on by caregivers and CSL Behring employee volunteers. In addition to the clinic and competition, the event offers educational sessions to learn more about relevant topics within the bleeding disorders community.
“The JNC is a truly unique and impactful event that has helped thousands of kids over the past 20 years to recognize the importance of exercise,” Bob Lojewski, Senior Vice President and North America General Manager, said after the 2022 event. “Most importantly, it provides the opportunity for children and caregivers to connect with other members of the bleeding disorders community from across the country and make lasting connections.”